I just returned from a mission trip to Kenya with a team of four. There is a Bible verse that has been stirring in me for months, “My desire and constant prayer is that I would succeed in coming to you, according to the plan and timing of God. I yearn to come and be face-to-face with you and get to know you. For I long to impart some spiritual gift that will empower you to stand strong in your faith. Now, this means that when we come together and are side by side, something wonderful will be released. We can expect to be co-encouraged and co-comforted by each others faith!” —Romans 1:10-12 MSG. This is exactly what we experienced, the plan and timing of God was perfect.
Our trip began in Kitale, as we came alongside our partners Peter and Ann Wanyoni, who lead Upper Room Grace Church. This life-giving multi-site church that has planted 46 churches, trains ministry leaders through Pneuma Bible School, cares for children at their orphanage, and has a wonderful widow's ministry. Kitale is known as the breadbasket of Kenya, so they have a farming operation that provides income for the ministry, food for their community, and job creations for their congregation. Peter serves as president for four high schools in Kitale. This has allowed him to have a meaningful voice into the community, with teachers, students, and parents. We finished our trip by visiting a network of ministries and churches that Esther Hall connects with in Nairobi. These ministries are reaching into the Kibera slum and beyond.
Crusade and Church Plant
We were blessed to be part of planting a new church. The church planter had been building the team for months and preparing with regular prayer meetings and small groups. We served alongside them with door-to-door evangelism, and a three-day open air crusade. Hundreds of people attended the crusade, which was on the grounds of the market in Minyali Village. All of this led up to the first Sunday for the new church. Upper Room Grace Church was there with a core team to help as volunteers and to welcome the many that would attend the new church. We saw many people give their lives to Jesus over these four days.
Pastors’ and Leaders’ Conference
We held a three-day pastors’ and leaders’ conference at Upper Room Grace Church. We served 350 pastors from Kenya and Uganda. The team from Upper Room had such healing hospitality where they created an environment with great food, community, and a space to be refreshed. There were great times of worship, altar ministry, and the entire team was able to teach, preach, and encourage the pastors.
Kids’ Conference
Children’s ministry is a high focus for Upper Room Church. We were expecting 500 kids, but actually had more than 600 attend the conference. We saw many kids give their lives to Christ during the three days. The team in Kenya had dozens of youth leaders for worship, an amazing team of volunteers, and this conference was filled with great food, laughter, and altar moments for the kids,
Christ Covenant Church
We have the privilege to work alongside Regina Naya and her three children who help lead the ministries of their local church. We had a rich day of ministry with them. They are very involved with missions to the Muslim communities in the northern boundary of Kenya and Ethiopia, a primary school for younger children, a short-term rescue home, children’s ministry, and HIV/Aids clinic and care.
Africa Bible College
Africa Bible College is located in the heart of Kibera, a slum with more than 1,000,000 people. The college is led by Timothy who is helping train pastors and ministry leaders to effectively plant churches and serve in Kibera. Those attending the school have few financial resources, so we’re able to provide books required for the school. Timothy is a local pastor and also leads a school that has 500 children.
Hope and Restoration Center
This local church in Kibera is led by Pastor Susan. We were so encouraged with the testimony of Eric and Olivia, who at one time ran an illegal home-brew alcohol business that is popular and dangerous in Kibera. Nobody in their area could believe that this couple gave their lives to Jesus and are now serving as pastors in the slum. This church is reaching people with the hope of Jesus Christ.
Thank you for all the encouragement, support, and prayers for our partners in Kenya. You are making a huge difference!
Bob Gustafson
Testimony from Brad and Shawna Cline
When we were called to serve in Kenya, neither of us saw it coming. In fact, the call to Kenya surprised and overwhelmed us in the midst of a business meeting. We're so glad that we responded to God's call!
We're farmers and business people, not pastors or missionaries. In our minds, we were wondering how we could pull this off. With two children in college, 3,700 acres of growing crops, and the requirements of our business careers, it would've been easy to make excuses as to why we just couldn't go. We didn't know what to expect, we didn't have any idea how we could serve, we could only imagine what would happen on our trip. Ephesians 3:20 tells us that God is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine according to his power that is at work in us. This verse was an anchor to us leading up to and throughout our trip. We were blessed beyond the capability of our imaginations. We were empowered to serve beyond our own capacity. And we were humbled and honored to witness God's grace and the miraculous movement of the Holy Spirit in Kenya!
Brad and Shawna Cline
The Going Global Podcast
We started the Going Global Podcast, where you will hear from our partners around the globe. You are going to hear about miracles, trusting God, provision, struggles, prayer, and transformation.
Episode 1 — Peter Wanyoni, Kenya is now out. In this inspiring episode of the Going Global Podcast, Bob Gustafson and Peter Wanyoni sit down for a conversation about the ministry in Kenya. Peter leads Upper Room Grace Ministries, which is a multi-site church in the Kitale Kenya area. They have ministries that include church planting, orphan care, Bible school, widow’s ministry, children's ministry, and more. Tune in and join the conversation!
Food For Thought
“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6
This is a bold statement by Jesus but true! He alone is the way to the Father. His sacrifice on the cross paid for restoration of that relationship that was broken by sin. He is the real truth. His words are truth. And He provides eternal life to all who believe in Him as their Lord and Savior.
Prayer Requests
You can be an important part of our ministry by praying for us. Prayer is a weapon of warfare, and we covet your prayers. If you would like us to pray for you, e-mail your prayer requests to us. Please pray for the following:
We thank you, in advance, for praying for the following:
Pray for your pastor and family.
Pray for our partners in Kenya.
Pray for our political leaders.
Ministry Goal
“And their eyes were opened and they recognized Him.” Luke 24:31
We founded Going Global Inc. in 2007 with this ministry goal. It is still our heart today. Thank you for praying and partnering with us. Together, we can do a lot!
Dennis & Robin Nonnemacher
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