Gifts In Nepal

Just below the Going Global Inc. logo on the top of this newsletter is a question that asks, “The world is on God’s heart, is it on yours?” The answer is a resounding yes! We have the joy of helping thousands of you who share God’s heart for the orphan, widow, and lost by connecting you to indigenous leaders who are on the front lines of ministry. Paul is one of those leaders. This Christmas with your generosity, we gave hundreds of blankets, caps, shoes, and meals to street children, orphans, widows, and impoverished villagers. As we meet physical needs, we are able to meet spiritual needs by sharing the hope Jesus brings. Paul and his team set out on several missionary journeys where people met Jesus and were baptized in 37° mountain water. During one outreach at a remote village church, many children gave their lives to Jesus. The children in this poor village often will start having babies as young as age 12, leaving them and the children feeling defeated. John 10:10 says that the devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but as we bring Jesus, the story changes to life—and life to the full. Thank you for joining with us as we work together.
Bob Gustafson

Love Children’s Home and the network of orphanages weren’t able to bring people in for a Christmas Service this year because of Covid-19. This didn’t stop the fun as we provided both gifts and a Christmas party at all the orphanages. Rebecca sent the orphans out in groups to give gifts and share Jesus to the surrounding villages.
Andaman Islands
Christmas provides a great outreach throughout the islands. Raja, Sheeba, and the orphans set out on a truck with music, entertainment, and the message of Christ’s birth. Thousands gather for these services.

We helped make Christmas special in Kenya with gifts of clothing, backpacks, books, toys, and good meals for children. Leaders shared the story of Christ’s birth with children and parents at various gatherings.
A message from Jervis & Melissa, directors of Laugh Out Loud. “Holidays can be both exciting and tough on our children as it’s a time when they miss their families. We’re thankful we have the ability to give them a family at LOL and provide a loving atmosphere during harder times. We want to thank those who gave at Christmas. The kids had so much fun during our family dinners, events, and of course the presents. Thank you.”
Mission Thoughts

Each year we pick a word or phrase to focus on throughout the year. For 2022 Dennis’s words are: “Move Forward.” It includes passing from one place or position to another; to advance or proceed. It means to move onward or ahead. Pastor Jeff Johns recently said, “Don’t move beyond the Shepherd’s voice.” That’s good advice for 2022 for all of us, especially moving forward. God bless you this year.
Dennis and Robin Nonnemacher
Food For Thought
“Your love is so extravagant; it reaches higher than the heavens! Your faithfulness is so astonishing; it stretches to the skies!” Psalm 108:4
King David, the psalmist, is focusing on God’s love for him and others. We need to do the same. His love for me is extravagant! His faithfulness is astonishing! Even if I am faithless or unfaithful, He is faithful.
Prayer Requests
We thank you in advance for praying for the following:
Your pastors and their families.
Wisdom as we move forward with plans for 2022.
Healing for so many suffering from side effects of Covid-19.
The planning of zoom teaching for leaders this year.
Give Online
Help reach orphans, widows, and pastors in remote areas of the world.