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November 2021 - Life is better in the Andaman Islands

Hi Everyone!

The Bible College in the Andaman Islands is up and running now. Raja and Sheeba have sent an update for us to share. The orphans have also returned to school after a two-year isolation. Things are beginning to look positive again.

Raja and Sheeba

Andaman Islands Bible College Update

Andaman soil is blessed with the birth of this Bible college which is making history in the islands. The world’s remotest Islands have seen a seed of faith being planted to bring indigenous leadership in the Islands. We see God’s mighty hand move with this vision to advance His kingdom in the islands.

We have started regular classes for the students. We are teaching five subjects for the first semester. Presently, we have four teachers teaching full time in our Bible college. We also have a full-time chaplain to lead their prayers and chapel service.

We have provided housing for the students including beds, mattresses, and other necessary things. We have the classrooms and devotions in our church.

Students are showing good interest to learn, and everyone wants to go back to their own people groups and islands to plant churches. Our vision of reaching their islands in a short span of time is now becoming a reality with this training center. We took the students out for one day to relax and have some fun. For a long time they have been locked inside because of Covid. Everyone enjoyed the day.

Thank you so much for standing along with us in the ministry.

Bible School students in class.

Love Children Home Elementary School Update

The kids are going back to school. Those in grades 6 to 12 are going to regular school. The others are attending the classes on the internet at the orphanage home. We have provided all of them with the necessary materials including the school supplies for their studies, Thank you so much for your help and support for the kids’ back to school needs. After a long time, we are seeing smiles on their faces as they leave for school and meet their friends, teachers and get involved in active studies. May God bless you and the Going Global family for standing along with our kids’ education all through these years. Our kids are privileged with quality education, and that will play an important role as they grow to adults.

We have sent three who have graduated to the mainland India for their college education. Their names are as follows: Roja, Arthi, and Ancy. Please pray for them.

Covid has slowed down and things are looking better, but we are preparing for the third wave in our country in a few months from now. All kids are keeping in good health and staying well.

The children send their love and prayers to you and everyone in the Going Global family. Raja and Sheeba

Raja teaching a class.

The girl's dormitory.

The Bible school students on a break.

The Bible school students at the beach for fun.

Love Children Home orphans with a smile.

Ready to return to school.

We have also received good news from Myanmar where they have begun a school on the campus for all students. The government schools are closed so they decided to begin their own school.

We are also preparing for the upcoming Christmas blanket outreach in Nepal. Each year we buy hundreds of blankets for $5 each for the people who live in the slums, children who live on the street, and those in mountain villages. You can be a part of this outreach by designating your gift for blankets.

The new school in Myanmar.

Blankets for kids this Christmas.


Thank you for partnering with us in so many different ways. You are making a difference in the lives of many.

Grateful for you,

Dennis and Robin


Food For Thought

May everyone who knows Your mercy keep putting their trust in You, for they can count on You for help no matter what. O Lord, You never, no never, neglect those who come to You.” Psalm 9:10

He never, no never neglects you! He never, no never, will leave you alone—no matter what! We serve a good God.


Prayer Requests

You can be an important part of our ministry by praying for us. Prayer is a weapon of warfare and we covet your prayers. If you would like us to pray for you, e-mail your prayer requests to us. Please pray for the following:

  • Pray for the Andaman Bible school and orphans.

  • Pray for your pastors.

  • Pray for our family.

  • Pray for healing for many suffering from cancer.

  • Pray for Godly wisdom for our government leaders.

  • Pray for Godly wisdom as we plan 2022.


Give Online

Help reach orphans, widows, and pastors in remote areas of the world.


Dennis and Robin Nonnemacher PO Box 12467 Green Bay, WI 54307 1-765-589-3689

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