Hi Everyone!
For several years we partnered with Sukhen and Puspa Biswas in Bangladesh. Karl Steinbrinck from Powerlink Ministries taught about the importance of children and ministry to them. Dennis taught on leadership. It was an important season for everyone involved. We stayed in touch with Sukhen as his ministry grew and became very effective in reaching children with the Good News, but we did not continue to travel there. Karl did continue to train and encourage children’s leaders. We are glad to report that we recently reconnected with Sukhen and his work in Bangladesh and plan to help his ministry accomplish what God has placed on their heart for children.

The following is a snapshot of their ministry in their own words.
“In 1985 at the age of 16, I became a Christian. In a country made up of 168 million-nearly all Muslims-that was no small change of status. As I grew in my faith, education, and experience, I learned just how little was going on to reach the rural children of my land with the Gospel of Jesus. My life as a child had been changed by exposure to the heart of Jesus; how could I ensure the next generation had the same opportunity? My wife Puspa and I felt burdened with this reality and spent the next two years in prayer about how God could use us.
In 1999, God gave us an answer. In faith He would provide so we left our jobs and started our ministry—Generation Bangladesh. As a result:
78,549 Bangladeshi children and youth have heard the Good News of Jesus in creative ways through our Kids’ Camps. Many have gone on to follow Jesus.
88,301 young people have completed our Bible correspondence courses.
6,031 teenagers were reached with the message of Jesus through our Teenage Conference and Discipleship Camps.
172,881 children and youth have heard the Good News of Jesus and most of them received Jesus as Lord and Savior.
7,107 children’s workers from churches have been trained to minister to children.
God has blessed this work and caused it to flourish. Generation Bangladesh is recognized by national church leaders as being at the forefront of this specialized and vital ministry for the next generation.” Sukhen and Puspa

Andaman Islands Update
It has been on Raja’s heart to evangelize all the inhabited islands from the day he first arrived in the islands. Last year he shared the gospel on a remote island, and over 100 people received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
But there was no church on that island to disciple the people. This broke Raja’s heart. We have prayed about starting a Bible school for local island people who have a heart for what the Lord is doing throughout the islands. Mainland pastors come for short periods of time and share the gospel but don’t plant churches. They return to the mainland after they “put in their time.” This year in April we are starting a Bible school in Port Blair to train pastors and evangelists so they can plant churches on every inhabited island—a completion of the vision and reason Raja came to the Andaman/Nicobar Islands in the first place. It has been on his heart for years.
We are sharing the vision and need with you. We invite you to help launch and maintain the school once it is opened. It will cost $2,000 per month, and we are praying for people, organizations, or churches to catch the vision with us. If that interests you, please get in touch with us or simply send your donation of any amount designated for the Bible school.
We are very excited to partner with Sukhen, Puspa, Raja and Sheeba to help them accomplish what God has laid on their hearts for children, youth, orphans, widows, and now a ministry center in Bangladesh and the Bible school in the Andaman/Nicobar Islands.
Thank you for your prayers and financial support.
Grateful for you,
Dennis and Robin
Food For Thought
“How long, O Lord, must I call for help? But You do not listen!” Hab. 1:2
Do you ever feel like this? Join the crowd including the prophet Habakkuk. But the good news is that Habakkuk was conversing with God. He had a good enough relationship with Him that allowed him to speak to God intimately. He told Him what was on his heart. God wasn’t offended either. He replied to Habakkuk. “The Lord replied, ‘Look around at the nations; look and be amazed! For I am doing something in your own day, something you wouldn’t believe even if someone told you about it.” V5
Develop an intimate relationship with the Lord, and speak to Him regularly like Habakkuk. You, too, may be amazed at what He may say to you.
Prayer Requests
You can be an important part of our ministry by praying for us. Prayer is a weapon of warfare and we covet your prayers. If you would like us to pray for you, e-mail your prayer requests to us. Please pray for the following:
Pray for the new Bible school in the Andaman Islands.
Pray for those suffering from the pandemic in all nations.
Pray for our family.
Pray for your pastors and their families.
Pray for the country of Myanmar and the democracy protests there.
Pray for the ministry in Bangladesh.
Give Online
Help reach orphans, widows, and pastors in remote areas of the world.

Dennis and Robin Nonnemacher PO Box 12467 Green Bay, WI 54307 goingglobalinc@gmail.com 1-765-589-3689