The book of 2 Timothy is written by the well-seasoned Apostle Paul during the last period of his life. This pastoral letter specifically encourages a younger Timothy in his life and ministry. Paul is well-seasoned because he has suffered well. He has endured difficulties that have produced wisdom in his life. Paul knows what it is to be abased and to abound. He has walked through the seasons and cycles of life, experiencing God both on the mountain and in the valley.
It is in this context that Paul writes these words to Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:5, “But you should keep a clear mind in every situation. Don’t be afraid of suffering for the Lord. Work at telling others the Good News, and fully carry out the ministry God has given you.”
Paul encourages those he is mentoring in three ways:
1. Keep a clear mind in all situations.
2. Endure hardship.
3. Fully carry out the ministry God has given you.
Going Global Inc. partners with indigenous leaders who have a ministry call to children and orphans, women and widows, and pastors in remote areas. We are relationally connected to train and resource these men and women, strategically fund opportunities, and enjoy life and ministry together.
Our network of ministry leaders serves in difficult countries where they need high integrity and wisdom to lead. People in these countries endure a lot of hardships, including extreme poverty, war, hunger, and human trafficking. We work with young leaders who are seasoned beyond their years through suffering, and older leaders who have been seasoned through enduring hardships.
We recently spoke with Manuel in the Caribbean Basin, who faces challenges daily in his ministry. Their ministry center and church were severely damaged by heavy rains at the end of June. He shared his situation with us:

“The headquarters of the ministry is going to fall on us. We are in a desperate situation; we urgently need help. With the rain, our house is coming down on us. We have invested 21 years of service for the LORD, for the children in our country, for the churches of the people. We do not have enough food for the workers. Many families are suffering from hunger, and the work of GOD is suffering. We need quick help from the LORD. We cry out for mercy.”
Together we’ve taken immediate action to help our ministry partner in the Caribbean Basin. We sent support to help them and are making plans to do more as we’re able.

Through Paul’s pastoral letters to Timothy, we are also reminded of our dear friend and partner Paul in Nepal. He takes his ministry call very seriously even in the face of persecution. He and his wife Bhawana have been called to minister to street children, village children in the mountains, widows, and pastors in remote areas of Nepal. They keep a clear mind in every situation. They know what’s going on all around them and are teachable. They are not afraid to suffer for the Lord. Threats and hardships don’t stop them. Their focus is bringing Jesus to others. They bring Jesus in word and deed daily. Finally, they don’t give up! They are determined to complete the ministry God has given them in this season of their lives.
The following are a few notes from emails we have received from them lately. We hope you feel the same determination that we do at Going Global Inc. regarding their ministry.
“We are taking care of 13 orphans in different locations. They are attending the Bridge Schools. Thanks to your support we have given them school uniforms, shoes, backpacks, school supplies and good meals. They are growing in the love of Christ.”
“We are doing new Bridge Churches in different villages. We now have 9 churches, and more people are coming to the Lord. We are planning to start many churches in coming days. We continue to reach out to abandoned children and women, widows, and those in need. We travel to different locations and have the opportunity to preach the Gospel to new people and pray for the sick for healing in the name of Jesus. Thank you so much for your prayers and support.”
“Just opened our 8th Bridge school in a remote village high in the mountains. We are teaching children everyday. We provide teachers, notebooks and food. Most of the people are orthodox Hindu and very poor people living in difficult situations.”
Proverbs 15:24 says, “The path of life leads upwards for the wise,” and it surely does. We have seen our ministry partners rise above difficulties. Paul continues in his letter, asking Timothy to bring Mark with him, because he is helpful to him. We have the joy of being helpers, co-laborers, and encouragers to our Going Global Inc. family.
Paul's words are as true for us and our global partners today, “Keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, and fully carry out the ministry God has given you.”
Back To School In The Andaman Islands
We received an update from Raja and Sheeba in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Part of their ministry is Love Children’s Home Orphanage, where they faithfully serve 98 children. July is the most difficult month for their ministry due to school expenses, including uniforms and supplies.
God has been faithful every year in meeting their needs. These leaders and children know firsthand what it’s like to lack basic needs like shelter, food, and water.
Together with you, we support their ministry to orphans. These children now have a home, food, water, and opportunities through education, community, and discipleship.
Back To School In Myanmar

School has started again in Myanmar, and this year the school grew from 300 students last year to 527 students this year! There are 206 orphans that are part of the network we support who are able to receive this wonderful education and be in this Christian environment for free. The future leaders of Myanmar are coming through the Love Children’s Home network. Praise God!
Food For Thought
“Think carefully about this Jesus whom we declare to be God’s messenger and High Priest. For He was faithful to God, who appointed Him.” Heb 3:1-2 NLT
Think carefully about your relationship with Jesus Christ who you profess as Lord and Savior. Think carefully how you walk that out daily. Think carefully about how you speak of Him and your relationship with Him. Jesus was faithful to God, are you? Are you faithful to Jesus and the Holy Spirit? Think carefully about this.
Prayer Requests
You can be an important part of our ministry by praying for us. Prayer is a weapon of warfare, and we covet your prayers. If you would like us to pray for you, e-mail your prayer requests to us. Please pray for the following:
We thank you, in advance, for praying for the following:
Pray for your pastor and family.
Pray for our partners to have strength to fully carry out the call that God has given them.
Pray for the the children returning to school.
Pray for our political leaders.
Ministry Goal
“And their eyes were opened and they recognized Him.” Luke 24:31
We founded Going Global Inc. in 2007 with this ministry goal. It is still our heart today. Thank you for praying and partnering with us. Together, we can do a lot!
Dennis & Robin Nonnemacher
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Help reach orphans, widows, and pastors in remote areas of the world.