Hi Everyone!
This time of year we receive reports of the Christmas outreaches, and it’s always exciting to hear the news. Here’s an update from Raja and Sheeba in the Andaman Islands:

Mobile Christmas Outreach
In some villages it was the very first time they saw our Christmas program. First two days the weather was very bad. We went ahead to share the message of Christmas as planned in spite of thunder and rain. We saw people coming out with umbrellas to the streets just to hear the message of hope and peace in Christ Jesus. We believe at least 100,000 people have watched our Mobile Christmas Outreach and thousands have received joy and peace in their hearts and minds.

Widows’ Christmas Celebration
Widows who were in deep distress and problems found the joy of the Lord through our Widows’ Christmas Outreaches. Hundreds of widows came forward for prayer and encouragement. Many opened their hearts for Jesus. We spent time praying with them individually, and as usual, we gave them clothes and a special meal. Everyone went home with a smile. Glory to God!

Children’s Christmas Outreaches
Because we have strictly followed all the protocols of COVID 19, we saw teens and youth coming to know more about Jesus. We taught them songs, stories about Jesus' birth, and we had time for personal prayers, collective worship, and sharing the Word of God. We spent time praying for everyone. We gave them a small gift and a special Christmas meal. Everyone went home with joy of the Lord in their hearts, a big smile, good meal and a gift.

Youth Christmas Celebration
This outreach was planned by the youth of our church to invite non-Christian youth to celebrate Jesus' birthday. We got a very good response, and the church was almost packed with youth. Sheeba gave a Christmas message.

Orphanage Christmas Celebration
Our kids were locked down and not allowed to go out for almost a year. This inspired us to do something very special for them. We planned to decorate the campus, present cultural programs, and have a musical night with a variety of programs along with a very good gift of their choice. Another happy moment was a Christmas meal with 14 varieties of food items. This was an unbelievably good day for our kids to celebrate Jesus. All glory to God!
Christmas Television Outreach
One of our main gospel outreaches was the message of hope and salvation preached through the local cable network This year the response to our television ministry was unbelievable. Close to 1 million people watched the program, heard the story or Jesus’ birth, and received countless blessings in their lives.
We want to say thank you so much for standing along with us in the ministry. May God bless you and keep you all in good health.
Raja and Sheeba
Once again it is our delight to share this wonderful report of just one of the many Christmas outreaches in several countries that you were a part of through your prayers and financial support.
Grateful for you,
Dennis and Robin
Food For Thought
“I have learned to be content in whatever I have.” Philippians 4:11
Paul was in prison. He didn’t have much. But he did have joy, he had faith, he had hope. Why? Because his focus was not on his circumstances but on Jesus Christ who gave him strength.
Prayer Requests
You can be an important part of our ministry by praying for us. Prayer is a weapon of warfare and we covet your prayers. If you would like us to pray for you, e-mail your prayer requests to us. Please pray for the following:
· Pray for your pastors and their families.
· Pray for our family, especially our granddaughter who is being treated for cancer.
· Pray for our government leaders to use the wisdom of God.
· Pray for this virus to end.
App Update

We have a mobile app for all devices. Stay in touch with us on the go. You can download it as Going Global Inc. in the App Stores. App tip: Giving is easy on the mobile app, and we benefit because of a lower fee. Check it out.
Give Online
Help reach orphans, widows, and pastors in remote areas of the world.

Dennis and Robin Nonnemacher PO Box 12467 Green Bay, WI 54307 goingglobalinc@gmail.com 1-765-589-3689