Hi Everyone!
We wish we had a dollar for every time somebody has asked, “What do you do?” We’d be able to feed more orphans and widows! The question is always asked with a good heart, and we are never offended. In fact, we enjoy being able to give an answer. Just in case you would like to ask the same question, we will attempt to answer it in this newsletter.
Going Global Inc. has been established to equip, connect, teach, encourage, and bring resources to orphans and children with great needs, widows and women who are in distress, and pastors in very remote areas of the world who work hard daily without recognition or assistance. We partner with indigenous leaders with integrity and who have a heart for their people. We assist them to accomplish what God has placed on their hearts, not ours! The following is a brief recap of each country we serve:

Myanmar – We have been working there for 26 years with Peter and Rebecca. Their love and effort are directed to over 500 orphans, widows, and pastors. They have 13 orphanages, a widow’s home, and Bible school. Their country needs prayer right now as it is going through political unrest.
Andaman Islands

Andaman/Nicobar Islands – We have partnered with Raja and Sheeba who have an orphanage with 125 children in one of the least evangelized parts of the world. They also pastor a church and do outreaches for children and widows throughout the islands. They are opening a Bible school this month to train church pastors who will plant churches in all 50 inhabited islands.

Nepal – We work with Paul and Bhwana who minister to street children in Kathmandu, widows who live in the slum area, and pastors in remote mountain villages. They have built a school in the slum area of Kathmandu and provide education, food, clean water, medicine and encouragement to those the Bible calls “the least of these.”

Bangladesh – We partner with Sukhen and Puspa who have a ministry to teens and children and leaders of ministry who reach them with the Good News through camps and various other outreaches. They are in the final steps of completing a ministry center in Dhaka.

Vietnam – We work with a pastor who has planted churches in the Northern part and a young lady who has started a school in Ho Chi Minh City. Both have provided teaching, food, and good Biblical teaching.

Kenya – We have partnered with Peter and Anne, Esther, Regina, and other leaders who oversee ministries to orphans, widows, pastors, slum children in several areas of Kenya and Uganda.

Israel – We have established a very good relationship with Mazen and Randa who have a ministry to Arabs in the West Bank of Israel. They provide food to hundreds monthly, outreaches for children, and widows, and an effective house meeting ministry to share the Gospel.

Cuba – We have been working in this nation for many years with Manuel and Isabel who oversee a Bible school network with 2,500 students, a large national children’s ministry, and a church planting effort throughout Cuba.

Belize – We are in the process of beginning to work again in this country with a couple in Belize who have an orphanage and ministry to teens and children. It was the first place we began to do missions in 1985, and we are looking forward to re-establishing relationships there.
Thanks for your prayers and support for all that we do. You make our work and the accomplishments of our partners possible.
Grateful for you,
Dennis and Robin
Food For Thought
“You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” Mt 5:14-16
Are you a light in a dark world? Do you light up the room when you enter because of Christ within you? Are you making a difference with your life and gifting?
Prayer Requests
You can be an important part of our ministry by praying for us. Prayer is a weapon of warfare and we covet your prayers. If you would like us to pray for you, e-mail your prayer requests to us. Please pray for the following:
Pray for the pandemic to end soon.
Pray for your pastors.
Pray for our family to love and serve the Lord.
Pray for your enemies and those who persecute you because of your faith.
Pray for creative ideas for us and others to share the Good News.
Give Online
Help reach orphans, widows, and pastors in remote areas of the world.

Dennis and Robin Nonnemacher PO Box 12467 Green Bay, WI 54307 goingglobalinc@gmail.com 1-765-589-3689