We are blessed to have Esther Hall as our African Regional Director. Esther is a gifted preacher, leader, encourager, trainer, and connector. She has built a network of local leaders with ministries serving orphans, widows, and pastors in remote areas.

One of the partners Esther supports is Susan, the pastor of the Hope and Restoration Center. During Christmas, they held an outreach for widows, providing food and gifts. Each week, these widows gather for prayer, Bible study, and mutual encouragement. This ministry operates in the heart of Kibera, one of the world’s largest slums. The widows were deeply grateful to celebrate Christmas together.

Esther also spoke at a conference in Kenya, where 3,000 college students and missionaries gathered to be trained, equipped, and inspired as the next generation of missionaries for God’s kingdom. Her session titled “Singlehood and Missions” was well attended and impactful.
God is calling all nations to reach all nations, and Going Global Inc. is helping to equip and send out the next generation of missionaries—from Kenya to northern Kenya and beyond.
A powerful verse in Isaiah 1:17 reminds us of our mission: “Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.” This is the heart of our work at Going Global Inc
Christmas Outreach Updates - Part 2
We are very grateful for your prayer, encouragement, and giving that happens all year round. The focused giving that happens around Christmas is a great investment each year for the kingdom of God. Below is Part 2 of our update featuring Myanmar, Israel, and Vietnam.
In Myanmar, three favorite Christmas traditions stand out:
Orphans shopping for Christmas gifts—just look at those joyful smiles!
Orphans visiting nearby villages to share the good news of Jesus.
A grand Christmas service at Love Children’s Home on Christmas morning.
The Love Children’s Network is comprised of 12 children’s homes housing 497 orphans, a widows’ home supporting 11 women, and church planters serving in nearby villages. This Christmas, we were able to support them in hosting celebrations on their campuses. We are deeply thankful to everyone who gave and prayed for these outreaches, helping to make these traditions possible.
Mazen’s church recently participated in a Christmas service in the Bethlehem District that reached 1,400 people, including 700 children. Each child received a Christmas gift, and everyone in attendance heard the message of hope in Jesus Christ. The church is also providing food and meals every month to families in need across the region. We praise God for how the church continues to be a beacon of light during these challenging times in Israel.
We supported Mary in Vietnam, who leads a network of churches, schools, and children’s ministries. Throughout the region, they organized Christmas outreaches for children. They reported reaching 1,182 kids this Christmas with the good news, and 214 of them gave their lives to Jesus! That is truly a reason to praise God.
Prison Ministry in Myanmar

This Christmas Rebecca, David, and students from Disciple Bible College and Seminary were able to share the gospel to 240 inmates and to the employees that work there.
This is a unique opportunity where our partner is able to share about Jesus during Christmas. Our partners in Myanmar have incredible favor in their community, with the government, and from God.
During the outreach they were able to give inmates Bible literature made by One Hope. The literature is designed specifically for Myanmar and outlines next right steps for people to receive Jesus into their lives.
Many of the Bible college students that joined in this outreach grew up as orphans at Love Children’s Home. We are encouraged to see what God continues to do through this ministry.

Greeting from Bob Gustafson
I first met Dennis Nonnemacher during a mission trip to Love Children’s Home in Myanmar in 2014. That mission trip was a pivotal moment for me, as God planted a seed in my heart to dedicate my life to serving orphans, widows, and pastors in remote areas. Today, Going Global Inc. partners with ministries in 10 nations, providing financial support, training, relationship-building, and the resources to fulfill their ministry call.
I am very honored to now be working full time at Going Global Inc., with the privilege of serving as the president of our missions organization.
God has accomplished amazing things through each of you who have answered His call and connected with the vision of Going Global Inc. I am deeply grateful for our partnership—thank you for making a difference!
Food For Thought
Call to me, and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. — Jeremiah 33:3
That is a profound promise! There are game-changing ideas that can influence your finances, wisdom that’ll transform your relationships, and clarity for your life that God is waiting to share.
Prayer Requests
You can be an important part of our ministry by praying for us. Prayer is a weapon of warfare, and we covet your prayers. If you would like us to pray for you, e-mail your prayer requests to us. Please pray for the following:
We thank you, in advance, for praying for the following:
Pray for your pastor and family
Pray for the the mission trip to Myanmar in March
Pray for President Trump
Ministry Goal
“And their eyes were opened and they recognized Him.” Luke 24:31
We founded Going Global Inc. in 2007 with this ministry goal. It is still our heart today. Thank you for praying and partnering with us. Together, we can do a lot!
Dennis & Robin Nonnemacher
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Help reach orphans, widows, and pastors in remote areas of the world.