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Good News - August 2020

Updated: Sep 14, 2020

Hi Everyone!

Are you ready for some good news for a change? Are you over all the conversations about the virus? The variety of opinions, negative news, political agendas, and the constant changes are taking a toll on most people. We've been writing about it on social media and newsletters for months as well. Today we decided to focus on positive events. Here's some upbeat feedback from those we work with and serve. 


All the orphan children in Kenya are doing great. They have been praying and fasting—two children fast and pray for a day. Teachers are taking them through school work in the orphanage like a home school. We have been able to lead over 85 people to Christ! There is a unique hunger for the Word of God and more readiness to receive Christ than before the virus crisis. One convert is a notorious robber from the Kenya/Uganda border. When the borders closed down due to the virus, he had nowhere to sneak and rob. So he decided to run back to his village.  He was later convicted in his heart, came to us and confessed his sin and repented. Then he received Jesus Christ.

We take this opportunity to express our gratitude for the support granted to us at Hope And Restoration Centre (HARC) by your ministry. We thank God that we were able to feed 25 widows through our feeding program with your support and also pay rent for two of them. We highly appreciate your support. Thanks and praise to our God.

One of the girls we took into our program is 14 years old. She gave birth to a baby boy. She is in Class 8 and hopes to continue with her studies in the coming year and sit for her exams to join high school. Her mother is a single parent who is struggling during this time because of the unavailability of casual jobs. With your support we were able to pay for the maternity costs and upkeep for the young mother and her baby.


New building donated to honor Derrick
Learning to prepare a meal

No one has gotten sick from the virus in the Myanmar ministry - Praise God. The schools are not open, so we teach the children at home and study the Bible lessons during this time. We have more time to be together on campus and more prayer time than before.The children memorize more Bible verses also. Some older kids have time to learn other skills like how to weave, how to plant and how to lay bricks. Some people have donated bicycles and all the children have learned how to ride them. And a new building has been built and dedicated to Derrick our friend from the USA who has recently died in an auto accident. Our God is so good to us at Love Children Home.

Andaman Islands

Bicycles for orphans
Craft projects by the children

The children used their time to plant gardens and even some vegetables for their daily usage. Some have used their time to learn sewing …the older kids taught the younger kids …it was a time of fun and joy to see this. Kids have enough time to spend with God. Every day we have time for meditation of the Bible, intercessory prayer, and personal prayer times. 

Each week we have a talent night where kids could display their talents through singing, preaching, writing and in music. It is wonderful to see kids grow in the fear of God with knowledge and wisdom. We also have more time to give individual care to every child. There is a family atmosphere of joy with sharing and helping each other. We also have showed the love of God to thousands of poor people by giving them food supplies and daily needs. Truly in this crisis people have seen the love of God through our ministry.


Help for street kids

We have been able to provide food and medicine to the people in Nepal who live in the hill country and live without homes, clean water, and electricity. These people are so blessed with our supplies in this pandemic time. We continue providing clean water and feeding homeless people, kids, and widows every day. We are sharing the love of Christ—the best blessing for them right now. God is so faithful and He humbles us to serve others! He continues to provide throughGoingGlobalInc. to help others. We are praying for you too.

Helping hands for a street child

Caring for a young mother


Food For Thought

“If you want to be My disciple—don’t begin until you count the cost.”  Luke 14:26-28

There is a price to pay for those who decide to follow Christ. It is not a bed of roses!  Jesus warned those who wanted to be His disciples. And He is still doing the same today. Follow Jesus? Count the cost!


Prayer Requests

You can be an important part of our ministry by praying for us.  Prayer is a weapon of warfare, and we covet your prayers.  If you would like us to pray for you, e-mail your prayer requests to us.  Please pray for the following:  

  • Pray for your pastors and their families.

  • Pray for our granddaughter who is being treated for cancer.

  • Pray for world leaders to use divine wisdom to deal with the virus.

  • Pray for peace in Israel.


All of us atGoingGlobalInc. thank you for your prayers and financial support.  You are making a difference in the lives of the poor and oppressed.


Dennis and Robin Nonnemacher

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